Sunday, July 26, 2009 @ 2:32 AM
Yesterday, it was saturday.. haha.. went to bsb thoughh.. with pohli, lung and jeff..
Kho never follow us cause he went up with his parents, so we'll meet there in bsb mall
right after his dinner with his parents.. we acually went up for fireworks in empire! hahas
it's like quite exciting.. and yeahh =P and we contacted eChen, weiMing, HungZai & Tong..
at first Tong said he couldn't make it one, then jeff sorta persuade him to come out and have
fun with us, hahah.. anyways we all gathered at the mall though, but not Tong..
cause he's having his basketball friendly match with his teamates.. and yeahs.. he told jeff
he wanted to study and no transport to come out.. hmm then we're like got this plan to go JP
so it's like sun lu to bring him lohs, then so in the end he came out with us.. i went to pick
him though when we're on the way ACTUALLY to empire! for fireworks! but they're like
changed their mind.. and they wanted to go JP earlier! so like we never went empire
forfireworks =__= quite saddening x___X JP and empire is like quite near onlyy! and Jeff told us
he saw the fireworks, BUT WE DID NOT! WTH T____T sighhs, but nvm, it's over though..
=___= even didn't get to go empire to watch the " ROMANTICE FIREWORKS ! " hahahah! but
we still HAVE LOTSA FUNNNS IN JP! =P we played bumper car.. and i don't know what this
game called.. and they sorta spend sometimes in Go-Karts! the guys loves it.. but me and
Pohli, we never playy, it's like abit scary to us? =S then after that, we went back another side
for the bumper car again, it's like so funn! =D ahhaa, and there's 9 of us in the group =D plus one
more then it would be 10, i forgot whom i asked.. i asked that person ' ey! you all didn't call
Harvey mehhs?! ' then that person answered me, saying that ' I asked him just now in MSN
already, but he said he didn't want..' then i'm like ' ohhh okayy ' sad ehhs.. and my freaking
mouth pain whole day! i couldn't eat! ughhs! laugh and talk also hard! wtf lohs! but nvm lahs..!
at least can talk and laugh a little, just that i couldn't enjoy eating with them =__= that's the most
saddest thingg! -____-!" after every of the games we played, then went to the playground =__= i
don't know what games they're playing but they're really funny ei =_= so big liao still go inside
those small slides houses and play, ahha! eChen and Tong is like really tall! so they couldn't fit
in those play houses.. then they're like couldn't catch those smaller sizes one.. haha, eg. Jeff,
weiMing, HungZai, Lung & Kho.. hahaa! i took lotsa pictures of them though! lool! i'll post it
later on =D we hung out there till like ermms.. 1ish? then the security came to shoo us awayy
saying that they going to close the park already, for it's time already.. so we're like okayyy...
then go to the food stalls in JP for supper, but i didn't want, i want go Gadong =X so we're like
seperated..! some in JP food stalls, and peoples who follows me we went Gadong for supper =P
peoples who followed me were eChen, Jeff, Lung and Pohli, and the rest of them stays at the JP
food stalls.. they're all hungry and lazy to go Gadong, so yeahhs.. we went.. hehh~ i know.. it's
like not really fun though, cause all like seperate. but i really don't want JP food stall
we went to this Gadong 24hours food court for supper.. the food so freaking SLOW! GOSH!
i ordered his Fried Kuey Tiaw Penang! then like.. =___= so slow. but when the food comes! I
COULDN'T CHEW WTF! i have to swallow! =___= ughhs! after everything, then we went eChen
back.. then we straight away go down kb already.. i forgot what time is it, but we reached kb
at 4.30ish, and Pohli came to stay over at my house.. cause her home door is locked.. she went
back aroud 12 noon today i guessed, she just say ' Heidi, i go back first yea ' then i'm still blur and
said ' ookkayyy ' . woke up about 3ish pm today =___= SO FREAKING TIRED GODD! =___=
i've never been so tired before x__X eversince i stopped basketball and netball, i never
excercise anymore, then walked so much yesterday again =__= then when i woke up, everyone's
gone.. =___= i phoned my mum, and she told me she's at bsb with my dad and bro.. i'm like OMG!
who's going to cook my food! my maid doesn't know how to cook porridge, and i also lazy to
explain to her =____= i also don't know how to cook =___= so i'll just wait till i really super hungry then
go out buy food bahs.. lols.. alrights, imma gonna post the pictures now =P haha!
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